Chinese specialties
Chinese meals
If you are going to visit China, be sure to enjoy the rich food culture. China is a country that has many people always experimenting on creating new cuisines for people to enjoy. The list below has the Chinese meals that are popular among the local and the foreigners too.
Sweet and sour pork
This is a meal that has been in the Chinese culture for a long time. The sweet and sour pork is a well-prepared pork with a delicious sweet and sour taste. At first, it was only a pork affair, but with time, the chef had to make some adjustments. People wanted to enjoy the meal with chicken and beef as a substitute. The preparation method is quite easy based on many recipes found online.
Gong Bao Chicken
For those people who love chicken, this is a great recipe you just have to try. The chicken is prepared using a special diced chicken with dried chili and fried peanuts. This meal is quite popular among the Chinese and the foreigners too. In other countries, the same recipe has been spiced by including several ingredients such as mashed garlic, sour sauce, and vegetables.
Ma Po Tofu
The Ma Po Tofu is quite a famous cuisine in China. Its history dates back to over 100 years ago. It is a common meal as seem in many Chinese movies. The Ma part describes the meal as being spicy and hot taste. The hot taste comes from the pepper powder ingredient. Another variation includes the milky tofu that has brownish red ground beef and green onion.
This meal has been around since the Tang Dynasty and people are used to taking the meal during the winter solstice. It is now a worldwide phenomenon as you can find the wontons being served all over the world.
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